Crazy Churro
Un soleado domingo trae alegría a les rosarines, que se reunen en Parque España para relajarse y divertirse. Tu objetivo es distinto: ¡Tenés que vender todos los churros que puedas!
Usá la corneta para anunciar tu presencia, y quienes estén interesades te lo harán saber. Solo acercate a elles para venderles uno de tus deliciosos churros. Pero tené cuidado al manejar, ¡porque chocar a la gente es la manera más rápida de que te echen del parque!
A sunny Sunday brings joy to the people of Rosario, which gather in Parque España to relax and have some fun. Your goal is different: You have to sell all the churros you can!
Use the cornet to announce your presence and those who are interested will let you know. Just get close to them and they'll buy one of your delicious churros. But be careful while you're riding your bike, 'cause crashing into them it's the fastest way to get yourself thrown off the park!
Game Design: Francha
Programming: Rafael Gonzalez
Art: Gabo
Audio: ORMA (Juan Ormaechea)
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